55841 Experimental Set-Up has been designed specifically to determine the wavelength of monochromatic light by diffraction at a Straight Edge. The set-up consists of Optical bench with uprights, Sodium lamp, Micrometer eye piece, Optical Slit, Straight Edge (Blade) with Holder.The set-up is complete in all respect and requires no other apparatus.
Practical experience on this set-up carries great educative value for Science and Engineering Students.
- To determine the wavelength of Monochromatic Light by Diffraction at a Straight Edge.
The complete Experimental Set-up consists of the followings :
- OPTICALBENCH : Two 150 cm long steel rods 3/4” dia. forming a bench with end supports having levelling screws. One of the two steel rods is graduated in cm and mm. It has three riders, two with transverse motion.
- MICROMETER EYE PIECE : A ramsden 10X eye piece carried on a slide which moves along a micrometer screw. The movement is read on a 30-0-30 mm steel scale and directly on micrometer head to .001 cm. No backlash.
- OPTICALSLIT : Optically true, pricision ground stainless steel jaws. The jaws open uniformally all along through the milled head.
- SRAIGHTEDGE : Straight Edge (Blade) with Holder
- SODIUM LIGHTSOURCE : Sodium light source complete with sodium lamp 35 watt with vacuum jacket, Transformer & Wooden Box having four holes with slide covers one each on every side at different heights.
- Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design procedures, Report Suggestions and Book References.