Vapour In Air Diffusion Apparatus Set-Up

Order Code: 14222

Category: Mass Transfer Lab

Introduction: Using a small sample of the liquid in a narrow vertical tube, and observing its rate of evaporation into stream of air passed across the top of the tube can conveniently be used to study the diffusion of vapour of a volatile liquid into...


Introduction: Using a small sample of the liquid in a narrow vertical tube, and observing its rate of evaporation into stream of air passed across the top of the tube can conveniently be used to study the diffusion of vapour of a volatile liquid into air.

Specifications: Tube:Material Borosilicate Glass.Water Bath: Material Stainless Steel with two sides made of glass Capacity 8Ltrs. fitted with heater and stirrer.Heater:Nichrome Wire Heater.Stirrer:Stainless Steel, Impeller and shaft coupled with FHP motor.Air Circulation:Air Pump.Traveling Microscope:0-150 x 0.1 mm resolution.Temperature Sensor:RTD PT-100 type.The whole set-up is ingeniously designed and schematically arranged on a powder-coated rigid structure.

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