Universal Governor Apparatus.

Order Code: 14139

Category: Theory Of Machine Lab

Introduction: The set-up is designed to study the working of different governors normally used to control the speed. It consists of a main spindle, mounted vertically on the base plate. This spindle is driven by a variable speed Motor which is also m...


Introduction: The set-up is designed to study the working of different governors normally used to control the speed. It consists of a main spindle, mounted vertically on the base plate. This spindle is driven by a variable speed Motor which is also mounted vertically on the same base plate.


  1. Spindle: Material Stainless Steel
  2. Governor Mechanism: Four different types of governor mechanisms with springs and weights.
  3. Watt Governor Porter : Governor Hartnell Governor Proell
  4. Governor Motor: Variable speed, Standard Make, FHP Motor.
  5. Control Panel: For speed control of the motor.
  6. Instruction Manual : An ENGLISH instruction manual will be provided along with the Apparatus.

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