Two Probe Method for Resistivity Measurement of Insulators at Different Temperatures with USB, Computer Connection Module & Software

Order Code: 55533A

Category: Physics Trainers

The Two Probe Method is one of the standard and most commonly used method for the measurement of resistivity of very high resistivity samples near insulators. The resistivity measurement of such samples is beyond the range of Four Probe Method. De...


The Two Probe Method is one of the standard and most commonly used method for the measurement of resistivity of very high resistivity samples near insulators. The resistivity measurement of such samples is beyond the range of Four Probe Method.

Description of the Experimental Set-up

1.Two Probes Arrangement

It has two spring load contact probes. These probes move in a pipe and are insulated by te on washers. This probes arrangement is mounted in a suitable stand, which also holds the sample plate and RTD sensor. The stand also serves as the lid of PID Controlled Oven. Te on coated leads are provided for connecting with High Voltage Power Supply and Digital Picoammeter. With this set up assuming maximum voltage l500V; minimum current 10-¹² A and thickness of sample 1mm, the resistivity of the sample could be measured upto 10¹4

2. PID Controlled Oven
Specifications as per datasheet attached.

3. Digital Picometer 
Speci cations as per datasheet attached.

4. High Voltage Power Supply 
Speci cations as per datasheet attached.

5. Computer Interface
This interface provides, option to user, to interface the setup with the computer for acquiring data (temperature, current and voltage) and plotting it in real time. The data can also be stored in an excel le which can be used for further analysis. The software is menu driven and can be operated very easily.
The set-up is complete in all respect, except the computer.

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