Introduction: Trammel or revolving screens consist of a cylindrical screen rotated about its axis. Simple Trammel may be arranged in series with oversize of the first passing to the second Trammel and the oversize of the second passing to the third, ...
Introduction: Trammel or revolving screens consist of a cylindrical screen rotated about its axis. Simple Trammel may be arranged in series with oversize of the first passing to the second Trammel and the oversize of the second passing to the third, etc.
Sieve assembly : Compatible to sieves of 20-cm dia. (for 6-7 sieves)
Drive:By ½ HP motor Control Panel comprises of : Standard make on off switch, Mains Indicator etc.
Special arrangement for setting time for shaking.An ENGLISH instruction manual consisting of experimental procedures, block diagram etc. will be provided along with the Apparatus.
The whole set-up is well designed and arranged on a rigid structure painted with industrial PU Paint.