Temperature Measurement

Order Code: 24258169.6

Category: General Lab Equipment V

Parameter Measured: Temperent. Range: 0-100 oC Measurement System: Transducer with electronic instrumentation. Transducer: Thermometer-Mercury in glass,Bimetal thermometer, Thermocouple,RTD- PT 100,Range 0-500 ohm, Thermistor -type NTC Temperatu...


  • Parameter Measured: Temperent. Range: 0-100 oC
  • Measurement System: Transducer with electronic instrumentation. Transducer: Thermometer-Mercury in glass,Bimetal thermometer, Thermocouple,RTD- PT 100,Range 0-500 ohm, Thermistor -type NTC Temperature
  • Transmitter:Range 0-100 oC, Output 4-20 mA Readout: 3.5 digit digital display, dual mode to read.

          [a] Set temperature in celsius.

          [b] Actual temperature in celsius. Controls: a] Set point control. b] Display mode control.
          [c] Mains ON/OFF control.

  • Hot water bath Capacity: 1 lit, non corrosive: Heating unit of 500W heating capacity Ice bath: Capacity 0.300 lit.
  • Display: temperature in form of volage form and temperature in centigrade
  • Power supply: Power supply: IC regulated,Short circuit &overload Protected
  • Mains: 230V/50Hz AC


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