Special Purpose Single Axis Arm Type Hydraulic Pipe Bender With NC Control

Order Code: 13153

Category: Hand / Power Tools

Numeric control bending is used for multiple bends in a single plane and it includes clamping die., Bending die and mandrel but we are giving on booster i.e. Wiper die and these function feed with hydraulic pressure but through numeric control step b...


Numeric control bending is used for multiple bends in a single plane and it includes clamping die., Bending die and mandrel but we are giving on booster i.e. Wiper die and these function feed with hydraulic pressure but through numeric control step by step as per setting programmed size upto 150mm O.D. furniture , automobile industries, door handles, decorative items of stainless steel pipe, square, rectangular & solid bar etc.
Order Code 13153A 13153B 13153C 13153D 13153E
Size (Max) O.D. (mm) 32 60 75 100 150
Term of O.D. 1.5D 1.5D 2.0D 2.0D 2.0D
Min. Wall Thickness (mm) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.0
B ending Radius (mm) 20-120 24-300 30-400 38-500 126-600
Bending Degree 50-1800 50-1800 50-1800 50-1800 50-1800
Length Mandrel (mm) 1000 1200 1200 2000 2000
Motor Power/KW III phase 2.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 7.5
Approx Wt. (Tons) 1.300 2.300 3.000 4.500 8.500
Remark - W/O Dies WNCX, W/O Dies WNCMR, W/O Dies NCX
Optional - Spare Bending Tooling Set
 [Order Code - 13153ACC1 to 13153ACC10B]
 Size (mm) upto - 15, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 60, 75, 100, 150

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