Short Wave Diathermy (Valve Type)

Order Code: BM2301

Category: Biomedical Trainers

Short Wave Diathermy Diathermy uses high-frequency electric current to produce heat deep inside a targeted tissue. The diathermy machine does not apply heat directly to the body. Instead, the waves generated by the machine allow the body to generate...


Short Wave Diathermy
Diathermy uses high-frequency electric current to produce heat deep inside a targeted tissue. The diathermy machine does not apply heat directly to the body. Instead, the waves generated by the machine allow the body to generate heat from within the targeted tissue.
Operating Frequency 27.12 MHz & Wave Length 11.062 Meters.
Maximum Power Output 300 W. Output Mode Continuous.
Mechanical Timer 0 to 30 Minutes.
Power Supply 230 ±10%, 50Hz, Dimensions 250 X 250 X 250 mm±

Study on Short Wave Diathermy
Heat generation through short wave diathermy. Study of molecular activity within the tissue exposed. Differential heating is noted within bone, muscle and fat. Heat stimulation to superficial nerve endings. How increases blood flow through the heating area, so that the necessary oxygen and nutritive materials are supplied and waste products are removed.

Operating Manual with working of instrument, operating & installation procedure, Block diagrams, connection diagrams, Electrodes placement, Standard signals & actual output signal, Calculations, Tables, Trouble shooting, Experiments list & etc.

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