Pump Learning System

Order Code: 24258098.39

Category: General Lab Equipment V

Pump Learning System: This system shall teach operation, installation, performance analysis, troubleshooting, and maintenance of centrifugal pumps. It shall include a mobile workstation, reservoir, instrumentation panel, motor control c...


  • Pump Learning System: This system shall teach operation, installation, performance analysis, troubleshooting, and maintenance of centrifugal pumps.

  • It shall include a mobile workstation, reservoir, instrumentation panel, motor control center, electric motor unit, piping network, centrifugal pump, student curriculum, and teacher’s guide.

  • Mobile Workstation:This workstation shall be constructed of 1.5(3.81 cm) square tubular steel, which will be welded and braced.

  • The minimum dimensions shall be 60-in (152.4 cm) L x 60-in (152.4 cm) H x 32-in (81.28) W. Four swiveling casters (two with locks) shall be supplied.

  • The workstation frame shall be primed and painted. It shall have a bottom shelf for storage of un-mounted pumps and the reservoir.

  • Reservoir: Shall be made of highly durable plastic, 30-gallon size, and mounted to mobile workstation.

  • It shall have a drain connection with 2-way drain valve.

  • Instrumentation Panel:The instrumentation panel shall provide measurement of pressure and flow of the pump.

  • The components shall be mounted on 11-gauge steel, which is plated with a protective coating.

  • It shall be mounted vertically on top of the workstation and provide easy observation of instrumentation by the student.

  • The instrumentation shall include:(1)-Flow meter readout, digital, LCD,(1)-Pressure gauge, 0-15 psig, 4-inch liquid filled ,(1)-Pressure gauge, 0-60 psig, 4-inch liquid filled,(1)-Pressure gauge, 0-160 psig, 4-inch liquid filled,(1)-Vacuum gauge, 0-30 psig, 4-inch liquid filled.

  • The flow meter readout shall connect to the flow meter supplied as part of the piping network via a connecting cable.

  • The pressure gauge ports shall be connected to quick connect fittings, which are mounted to the instrumentation panel.

  • Each gauge shall have a unique type of quick connect that is color-coded to avoid incorrect connection of gauges to the piping network.

  • Motor Control Center:The motor control center shall provide control of the operation of the electric motor, which is used to drive the pump.

  • All components shall be mounted to an enclosure, which is in turn mounted to the instrumentation panel.

  • The enclosure shall be metal gauge, primed and painted.

  • It shall contain the following components:(1)-Variable speed AC motor drive, 0.5-5 HP, 1-Phase 208 VAC supply, capable of driving two motors at the same time (1)-Digital readout for motor speed and current (torque analog), supplied with variable speed drive(,1)-Circuit breaker switch,(1)-Ground fault interrupter switch,(1)-Motoron Indicator Light,(1)-Motor-start pushbutton,(1)-Motor-stop pushbutton,(1)-Motor speed control adjustment knob,(1)-Power cable.

  • Electric Motor Unit,Shall include industrial-grade electric motor, 1/3 Hp, 3-phase, induction motor type, foot mount, coupling guard, steel mounting rails with pre-drilled holes for pumps of various types and motor, plug-in cable to motor, and flexible jaw coupling.

  • Piping Network:A piping network shall be mounted and plumbed on the mobile workstation to operation, troubleshooting, and performance testing of fluid transfer pumps using suction lift conditions.

  • This network shall include: (1)-Flow meter, disc type, 0.5 to 35 GPM range,(1)-Cavitation valve, gate type,(1)-Priming port,(1)-Pseudo-cavitation valve, needle type,(1)-Load valve, gate type,(1)-Foot valve with strainer,(1)-Suction line, PVC construction with transparent section and vacuum gauge connection quick connect fitting,(1)-Pressure line, PVC construction with transparent section and pressure gauge connection quick connect fitting,(1)-Return line, PVC construction ,(2)-Pressure gauge hoses, polyurethane, 1/8-inch ID with color-coded quick connects on end,(1)-Pump vent valve,(1)-Suction line fill cap.

  • Centrifugal Pump:This pump shall be a heavy duty industrial grade unit with foot mount, 

  • cast iron housing construction, mechanical seal, 13 GPM @ 9 ft head.

  • Maximum head shall be at least 15 ft.

  • Student Curriculum: The curriculum shall consist of one (1) set of 5 Learning Activity Packets The student curriculum shall contain at least 26 industry skills covering centrifugal pump operation, seal maintenance, applications, installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, performance analysis, and component selection.

  • The student curriculum supplied shall be designed in a skill-based format that focuses on teaching industry-relevant tasks.

  • The objectives shall be accomplished by organizing the learning material into a series of learning activity packets, which are further subdivided into three or more segments per packet.

  • All learning materials needed shall be contained in the packets including text material, laboratory equipment activities, and multimedia directions.

  • No external text sources shall be required.

  • The specific cognitive skills taught by each text passage shall be identified next to the passage.

  • Each lab activity shall be identified by the industrial task taught.

  • All activities shall be highly detailed with step-by-step instructions to facilitate a self-directed learning environment.

  • A combination of step-by-step enabling activities and creative, problem-solving activities shall be provided.

  • A self-review of five to ten questions shall be provided after each segment.

  • The curriculum must be capable of both self-directed and instructor directed study.

  • All activities must correlate directly to the hardware supplied, with detailed illustrations and diagrams.

  • Teacher’s Assessment/ Portfolio Guides: A teacher’s guide shall be provided. It shall contain student data sheets,  data sheet solutions, self-review answers, quizzes, quiz answers, student skill record sheets, and authentic assessment.

  • A quiz shall be provided for each packet.

  • A question shall be provided in each quiz for each cognitive objective taught.

  • All tasks listed in the packet shall be listed on personalized student record sheets.

  • The Instructor’s Package shall include directions for authentic skill assessment

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