Poiseuille method experimental Set-up.

Order Code: 24258134.11

Category: General Lab Equipment V

01. Digital Stop Clock with START/STOP operation by means of toggle switch & RESET by push button switch. lt has a range of 999.9 second with resolution of 0.1 seconds and accuracy of ± 0.01 % (Quartz controlled). Display is thorough 4 no&...


01. Digital Stop Clock with START/STOP operation by means of toggle switch & RESET by push button switch. lt has a range of 999.9 second with resolution of 0.1 seconds and accuracy of ± 0.01 % (Quartz controlled). Display is thorough 4 no's of 12.5 mm bright seven segment display and working voltage of the unit is 230V± 10% 50Hz.
02. Manometer : an instrument for measuring the pressure acting on a column of fluid, consisting of aU-shaped tube of liquid in which a difference in the pressures acting in the two arms of the tube causesThe liquid to reach different heights in the two arms.
03. Capillary tube
04. Graduated test tube 1"x6"
O5. Retort stand size 4x6" with 18" Road to hold Graduated Tube
06. Stand size 4"x6" with 18" Road to hold Constant Level bath
07. Thermometer 0-110°C. To Measure Water temperature
08. Plastic Container for water filling
09. Plastic Container for water overflow
10. Strongly supported by detailed Operating lnstructions, giving details of Object.

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