PAM, PPM, PWM and Line Coding Techniques

Order Code: 24257623.9

Category: General Lab Equipment V

Set up should consist of on-board Transmitter and Receiver, variable sampling rate, Clock generation from 20MHz crystal Oscillator, onboard signal generator for 5 different signals, 2nd order Butterworth low pass filter with cut-off frequency of 5kHz...


Set up should consist of on-board Transmitter and Receiver, variable sampling rate, Clock generation from 20MHz crystal Oscillator, onboard signal generator for 5 different signals, 2nd order Butterworth low pass filter with cut-off frequency of 5kHz for respective technique.

It should have the following Technical Specification:

  • Set up should support PAM, PWM, PPM, Line Coding Techniques modulation and demodulation.
  • Should have internal signal generator with Direct Digital Synthesizer with Sine, Square, Triangle, Arbitrary signals having frequency 500Hz, 1KHz, 2KHz, 3KHz.
  • Should have external signal generator with Sine, Square, Triangle, Arbitrary signals having frequency range 500Hz to 3.5KHz and input voltage of 3Vpp (Max.) +1.5V DC offset.
  • It should have the sampling frequency range from 1.25KHz, 2.50KHz, 5KHz, 9.80KHz, 19.53KHz, 39.06KHz, 78.13KHz.
  • Crystal Frequency: 20MHz.
  • Selection Mode: Push switches.
  • Random Data: 8 Bit/16 Bit/32 Bit (For line Coding).
  • Data Frequency: 500Hz, 1KHz, 2KHz, 3KHz.
  • Test Points: 25 nos. or more.
  • Low Pass Filter: Cut-off frequency-5KHz.
  • Power Supply: 110V-260V AC, 65Hz.

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