Osborne-Reynold Demonstration Apparatus

Order Code: 24258098.19

Category: General Lab Equipment V

OSBORNE-REYNOLD’S DEMONSTRATION APPARATUS - Visualisation of laminar and turbulent flow.  Features- visualisation of laminar and turbulent flow,-determining the critical Reynolds number,- traditional experiment based on the mode...


OSBORNE-REYNOLD’S DEMONSTRATION APPARATUS - Visualisation of laminar and turbulent flow. 
Features- visualisation of laminar and turbulent flow,-determining the critical Reynolds number,- traditional experiment based on the model of the British physicist Osborne Reynolds, Learning objectives/experiments,- visualisation of laminar flow,- visualisation of the transition zone,-visualisation of turbulent flow,- determination of the critical Reynolds number


  • visualisation of laminar and turbulent flow in the Osborne Reynolds experiment

  • water as flowing medium and ink as contrast medium

  • vertical glass pipe section

  • water tank with glass beads to stabilise the flow

  • flow rate in the pipe section can be adjusted via a valve

  • flow rate determined by base module

  • water supply using base module or via laboratory supply. Technical data: Water tank- capacity: 2200mL, Pipe section- length: 675mm- Ø, inner: 10mm. Tank for inkcapacity: approx. 250mL

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