Order Code: 24258098.19
Category: General Lab Equipment V
OSBORNE-REYNOLD’S DEMONSTRATION APPARATUS - Visualisation of laminar and turbulent flow. Features- visualisation of laminar and turbulent flow,-determining the critical Reynolds number,- traditional experiment based on the mode...
OSBORNE-REYNOLD’S DEMONSTRATION APPARATUS - Visualisation of laminar and turbulent flow.
Features- visualisation of laminar and turbulent flow,-determining the critical Reynolds number,- traditional experiment based on the model of the British physicist Osborne Reynolds, Learning objectives/experiments,- visualisation of laminar flow,- visualisation of the transition zone,-visualisation of turbulent flow,- determination of the critical Reynolds number
visualisation of laminar and turbulent flow in the Osborne Reynolds experiment
water as flowing medium and ink as contrast medium
vertical glass pipe section
water tank with glass beads to stabilise the flow
flow rate in the pipe section can be adjusted via a valve
flow rate determined by base module
water supply using base module or via laboratory supply. Technical data: Water tank- capacity: 2200mL, Pipe section- length: 675mm- Ø, inner: 10mm. Tank for inkcapacity: approx. 250mL