Order Code: 24257783.4
Category: General Lab Equipment V
On-board components: On-board resistor, capacitor, diode and potentiometer bank of different values. Breadboard (175mmX63mm) area allows construction of circuits using external components along with on board res...
On-board components:
On-board resistor, capacitor, diode and potentiometer bank of different values.
Breadboard (175mmX63mm) area allows construction of circuits using external components along with on board resources.
On-board fixed power supply and variable regulated positive & negative power supply.
LM331 IC should be provided with all the respective pin outs
Multimedia Interactive e-manual to be provided on CD with Theory, Circuit Diagram and animations and diagrams
DC power supply (300mA) with Helical pot on board to vary the voltage of ±5 V and ±12 V
DC Variable power supply with Helical pot on board to vary the voltage of ±1.5 V and 10 V Semiconductor Device Range:
Three IC 741 Op-Amp stage
One 555 IC stage
4 diode (1N4007)
2 Zener diode (5.1V)
Transistor: BJT(BC547), MOSFET (IRF-Z44N)