Miniature Channel For Flow Visualization

Order Code: 24258098.17

Category: General Lab Equipment V

MINIATURE CHANNEL FOR FLOW VISUALIZATION: Flow around various drag bodies and incident flow of weirs; ink as contrast medium. Features:- flow around various drag bodies,- incident flow of different weirs,- ink as contrast mediu...


MINIATURE CHANNEL FOR FLOW VISUALIZATION: Flow around various drag bodies and incident flow of weirs; ink as contrast medium.

Features:- flow around various drag bodies,- incident flow of different weirs,- ink as contrast medium for visualising the streamlines.Learning Objectives/ experiments,- how differently shaped weirs affect the flow,- visualisation of streamlines for flow incident to a weir,- visualisation of streamlines when flowing around various drag bodies.


  • visualisation of streamlines during incident flow and flow around various weirs and drag bodies

  • transparent experimental flume

  • incident flow demonstrated on two weirs

  • demonstration of flow around four different drag bodies

  • contrast medium: ink

  • distributor for contrast medium with seven nozzles

  • water level in the experimental flume adjustable via sluice gate at the water inlet and weir at the water outlet

  • flow straightener for even, non-vortical water inlet

  • water supply using base module or via laboratory supply. Technical data:Experimental flume,- LxWxH: 625x20x150mm,Contrast medium: ink Injection of the contrast medium- 7 nozzles. Tank for water: 12,5L,Tank for ink: 200mL,Drag bodies,- small cylinder: Ø 35mm,- large cylinder: Ø 60mm,- streamlined body.- guide vane profile. Weirs- broad-crested weir,- sharp-crested weir

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