Metacentric Height

Order Code: 24258098.21

Category: General Lab Equipment V

METACENTRIC HEIGHT: Stability of floating bodies.Determining metacentre and buoyancy; rectangular frame cross-section. Features:- stability of a floating body,-determining the metacentre,- other floating bodies with different shapes of frame . Lea...


METACENTRIC HEIGHT: Stability of floating bodies.Determining metacentre and buoyancy; rectangular frame cross-section.

Features:- stability of a floating body,-determining the metacentre,- other floating bodies with different shapes of frame . Learning objectives/ experiments,-study and determination of,-- buoyancy, centre of buoyancy,--centre of gravity, metacentre, stability,-- heel. 

  • investigating the stability of a floating body and determining the metacentre

  • transparent floating body with rectangular frame cross-section

  • one horizontally movable clamped weight for adjusting the heel

  • one vertically movable clamped weight for adjusting the centre of gravity

  • clinometer with scale for displaying the heel

  • other floating bodies with different shapes of frame . Technical data:Floating body,- LxWxH: 300x130x190mm,- mast height: 400mm. 

  • Horizontal scale: 180mm,Vertical scale:400mm. Height scale of the floating body: 120mm, Clinometer scale: ±30°. Weights,- floating body without clamped weights: approx. 2,7kg,- vertical clamped weight: 575g,- horizontal clamped weight: 196g. Tank for water: 50L

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