Order Code: 24258098.45
Category: General Lab Equipment V
Gear Pump System. This unit shall add to a separately specified pump workstation to permit study of gear pumps. The system shall include: gear pump, piping network, relief valve, and student curriculum. These components shall me...
Gear Pump System. This unit shall add to a separately specified pump workstation to permit study of gear pumps.
The system shall include: gear pump, piping network, relief valve, and student curriculum.
These components shall meet the following minimum specifications:Gear Pump - This pump shall be an industrial grade unit with foot mount, bronze housing construction, shaft driven by a separately specified electric motor, 3.3 gpm @ 1725 rpm, maximum rated pressure 100 psig, bronze gears, rotary gear design.
Piping Network - A piping network shall be supplied, which connects the pump to a separately- specified load valve and flow and pressure instrumentation.
This network shall include: (1)-Pressure line, braided wire rubber hose construction, (1)-Suction line, braided wire rubber hose construction with pressure tap for connection to instrumentation,(1)-Pressure gauge hose, with quick connect, polyurethane, 1/8-in ID.
Relief Valve, Direct-operated design, aluminium body, adjustment knob, 50-175 psig adjustment range.
Student Curriculum.The curriculum must be capable of both self-directed and instructor directed study.
It shall be designed in a skill-based format that focuses on teaching industry-relevant tasks.
The objectives shall be accomplished by organizing the learning material into a series of learning activity packets.
Included shall be 1 Learning Activity Packet containing at least 8 skills.
Topics covered shall include gear pump construction, installation, operation, performance, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair.
Teacher’s guide materials shall be provided in a separately specified teacher’s guide.
It shall contain student data sheets, data sheet solutions, self-review answers, quizzes, quiz answers, student skill record sheets, and authentic assessment.
A quiz shall be provided for each packet.
A question shall be provided in each quiz for each cognitive objective taught.
All tasks listed in the packet shall be listed on personalized student record sheets.
The Instructor’s Package shall include directions for authentic skill assessment.