Order Code: 24258098.15
Category: General Lab Equipment V
FLOW THROUGH ORIFICES: Comparison of different measuring methods and determining the flow coefficient. Features:- different methods of flow rate measurement,-visualisation of the pressure distribution in Venturi nozzle or measuring o...
FLOW THROUGH ORIFICES: Comparison of different measuring methods and determining the flow coefficient.
Features:- different methods of flow rate measurement,-visualisation of the pressure distribution in Venturi nozzle or measuring orifice/measuring nozzle, Learning objectives/ experiments,- flow measurement with,-- orifice plate
flow meter and measuring nozzle,-- Venturi nozzle,--rotameter,- pressure measurement with Pitot tube,- comparison of different instruments for flow measurement,- determining the corresponding flow coefficients,- calibrating measuring instruments.
different methods of flow rate measurement
measuring instruments: orifice plate flow meter/measuring nozzle, Venturi nozzle and rotameter
6 tube manometers to determine the pressure distribution in Venturi nozzle, orifice plate flow meter and measuring nozzle
measurement of the total pressure with Pitot tube
flow rate determined by base module
water supply via base module or via laboratory supply. Technical data:Venturi nozzle: A=84...338mm2,- angle at the inlet: 10,5°,- angle at the outlet: 4°. Orifice plate flow meter: Ø 14mm, Measuring nozzle: Ø 18,5mm,Rotameter: max. 1700L/h ,Measuring ranges,- pressure: 6x 0...390mm WC.