Flip chart board

Order Code: 23247251.143.124

Category: General Lab Equipment IV

Flip Chart/Conference Flipchart/With Magnetic & Roller size: 2’ x 3’ / 3' x 4' Similar or close to size. • With Roller & Magnet • Extra strong twist clamp system suitable for all flipchart papers • Magn...


Flip Chart/Conference Flipchart/With Magnetic & Roller
size: 2’ x 3’ / 3' x 4'
Similar or close to size.
• With Roller & Magnet
• Extra strong twist clamp system suitable for all flipchart papers
• Magnetic whiteboard surface
• Special Note: Use Flip charts Paper Pad
Dettachable board (Can be kept horozontally, if required)
Overall appearance of product as shown in picture. The product must be from a reputed Brand.

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