Order Code: 24257623.1
Category: General Lab Equipment V
An integrated workbench consisting of instrument panel and wor king table should be suitable for students to learn and perform various experiments of electronics and electrical related subjects. Instruments should internally electrically connec...
An integrated workbench consisting of instrument panel and wor king table should be suitable for students to learn and perform various experiments of electronics and electrical related subjects. Instruments should internally electrically connect and should be fitted in the panel such that only front panel and necessary interfaces are easily accessible to use. Structure of wor kbench should be made up of 1.5 mm thick CRC powder coated pipes with top made up of good quality 19 mm thick plywood and covered with 1.8 mm off white colour mica. The bench working area should be covered by 2 mm thick antistatic mat which help students to controls static discharge as static cause interference or damage to students, equipment and circuitry.
Structure and design of Workbench should follow the below specifications:
1. The basic structure should be made of 38 x
38 x 1.5 mm CRC powder coated pipes for sturdiness.
The overall dimensions of Workbench should be not less than W = 1200 mm D = 750 mm; H = 1150 mm
MS drawers 03 numbers W = 275 mm; D = 375 mm; H = 100 mm and thickness l.2mm with handle & separate lock on drawer should be provided
For the panel section, raised back height of 1200mm from floor with matching height support from the side at a depth 500mm for instrument housing with a MS Panel strip below it for housing Electrical Sockets and Switches for
50MHz, 1G5a/s, 4CH Digital Storage Oscilloscope with component tester
50MHz 4 analog channel Digital Storage oscilloscope should support 1GSa/s sampling for analog channel, Memory Depth should be minimum 20 Mpts, vertical rage 1mV/div-10V/ div, horizontal range Sns/div to 50 s/div, the Instrument should have Interface like RS232/UART, 12C, SPI for protocol analysis, it should also have at least 26 nos automatic measurements and 6 bits hardware counter, advance and multi triggering facility, 7 inches WVGA TFT Display, I/O USB, LAN and real time waveform mon