Order Code: 24257746.1

Category: General Lab Equipment V

Voltammetry (DPV), Normal Pulse   Voltammetry (NPV), Differential Normal   Pulse Voltammetry (DNPV), Square Wave   Voltammetry (SWV),AC Voltammetry (ACV),   Second Harmonic AC Voltammetry   (SHAC...


Voltammetry (DPV), Normal Pulse 
 Voltammetry (NPV), Differential Normal 
 Pulse Voltammetry (DNPV), Square Wave 
 Voltammetry (SWV),AC Voltammetry (ACV), 
 Second Harmonic AC Voltammetry 
 (SHACV), Fourier Transform AC 
 Voltammetry (FTACV), Amperometric i-t 
 Curve (i-t), Differential Pulse Amperometry 
 (DPA), Double Differential Pulse 
 Amperometry (DDPA), Triple Pulse 
 Amperometry (TPA), Integrated Pulse 
 Amperometric Detection (IPAD), Bulk 
 Electrolysis with Coulometry (BE), 
 Hydrodynamic Modulation Voltammetry 
 (HMV), Sweep, Step Functions (SSF), Multi- 
 Potential Steps (STEP), AC Impedance 
 (IMP), Impedance - Time (IMPT), 
 Impedance - Potential (IMPE), 
 Chronopotentiometry (CP), 
 Chronopotentiometry with Current Ramp 
 (CPCR), Multi-Current Steps (ISTEP), 
 Potentiometric Stripping Analysis (PSA), 
 Electrochemical Noise Measurements 
 (ECN), Open Circuit Potential - Time (OCPt) 

  •  The corresponding polarographic and stripping modes for most voltammetric techniques are available. 

  •  The instrument can be used as regular potentiostat.

  • When it is used as bipotentiostat, the 2nd channel can be controlled at an independent constant potential, to scan or step at the same potential as the first channel. In case of CV, it can also scan wiZero resistance ammeter 

  •  2- or 3- or 4-electrode configuration 

  •  Floating (isolated from earth) or earth ground 

  •  Maximum potential: ±10 V for both channels 

  •  Maximum current: ± 250 mA continuous (sum of two current channels), ±350 mA peak 

  •  Compliance Voltage: ±13 V 

  •  Potentiostat rise time: < 1 us, 0.8 us typical 

  •  Potentiostat bandwidth (-3 dB): 1 MHz 

  •  Applied potential ranges: ±10 mV, ±50 mV, ±100 mV, ±650 mV, ±3.276 V, ±6.553 V, ±10 V 

  •  Applied potential resolution: 0.0015% of  potential range 

  •  Applied potential accuracy: ±1 mV,  ±0.01% of scale 

  •  Applied potential noise: < 10 uV rms 

  •  Measured current range: ±10 pA to ±0.25 A in 12 ranges 

  •  Measured current resolution: 0.0015% of  current range, minimum 0.3 fA 

  •  Current measurement accuracy: 0.2% if  current range >= 1e-6 A/V, 1% •Otherwise, Input bias current: < 20 p

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