Order Code: 380018032.13
Category: General Lab Equipment V
Board with better safety, rigidness and contrast. Symbolic representation of Components. Actual components mounted right across the place. Individual working without direct teacher supervision. Stimulates indepen...
Board with better safety, rigidness and contrast.
Symbolic representation of Components.
Actual components mounted right across the place.
Individual working without direct teacher supervision.
Stimulates independent student activity.
2 pole 40A - 01
3 Pole 40A - 01
4 Pole 40A - 01
Low voltage electrical C25 m6 conical busbar insulator for 1500V-01 set.
Plug (Stepless):
2Pin 5A, 3Pin 6A, 3Pin (-) 10A, 3Pin 16A, 2Pin 20A Industrial.
2Pin 5A, 3Pin 16A, 3Pin 10A, 5Pin 6A, 2Pin 20A with cap.
PVC conduit pipe: Size - ½ & 1 inch
Liquid flexible non metallic conduct pipe: Size - ½ & 1 inch
PVC cusing & caping: Size - 1 & 1½ inch
600 x 455mm, using aluminum steel, for batter safety, rigidness and contrast. Fixed on iron box with black powder coated and mounted on a stand.