Digital Student Physiograph

Order Code: 24257646.1


Features: 1. Indigenous digital physiograph with time and event channel, 2. Compact light weight and easy to operate by a beginner, 3. Standalone unit having coloured TFT display for displaying online & offline recording data, 4. Syst...



1. Indigenous digital physiograph with time and event channel,

2. Compact light weight and easy to operate by a beginner,

3. Standalone unit having coloured TFT display for displaying online & offline recording data,

4. System has six couplers fitted in a single unit easy to carry,

5. System has eight transducers (Force, Pressure, Volume, Respiration, Temperature, Pulse, Respiration Belt, & Isotonic),

6. Facility to store Recording data and review the same on TFT,

7. Interface to the Computer- through USB,

8. System provided with software to review and print the recorded data from PC,

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