DBS Collection kit with Whatman 903 cards

Order Code: 23246846.1

Category: General Lab Equipment III

Dried blood spot (DBS) are collected by applying a few drops of blood onto a special filter paper card. Once the blood is dry, the sample can be easily used anywhere and anytime at home, Hospital and Research purpose. Using this KIT, blood samples ca...


Dried blood spot (DBS) are collected by applying a few drops of blood onto a special filter paper card. Once the blood is dry, the sample can be easily used anywhere and anytime at home, Hospital and Research purpose. Using this KIT, blood samples can be easily collected, stored and transported at room temperature which is more effective than traditional method. Once dried, the sample is stable for months to years at ambient temperature or under refrigeration and used for gene screening and long-term genetic sample bio-banking. A dried blood spot collection device or card is an approved in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical device comprising a specified collection of medium described as filter paper, on which printed circles indicate the area to be filled with whole blood. For example, a specimen of approximately 75 μl of whole blood, haematocrit of 50-55%, will fill a 12-13 mm diameter and 30-50 μl whole blood a 10 mm diameter circle printed on the device.


This KIT consists of following items:
1.Blood collection card (Filter card) with 5 circles along with Patient detail fields - 1
2. Alcohol wipe/swab – 1
3.Gauze Pads – 1
4. Bandage – 1
5. Safety Lancet – 1
6. Silica Gel Pack (Desiccant) – 3
7. Nitrile Gloves – 2 pair
8. Sealable plastic bag – 1

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