Comparison of pumps

Order Code: 24258098.32

Category: General Lab Equipment V

Comparison of pumps: Investigate operating behaviour of centrifugal pumps, piston pump and side channel pump, system control via PLC. Features: investigation of the operating behaviour of centrifugal, piston and side-channel pumps: all ...


  • Comparison of pumps: Investigate operating behaviour of centrifugal pumps, piston pump and side channel pump, system control via PLC.

  • Features: investigation of the operating behaviour of centrifugal, piston and side-channel pumps: all pumps driven separately by three-phase AC motors, plant control via PLC, integrated router for operation and control via an end device and for screen mirroring on up to 10 end devices: PC, tablet, smartphone.

  • Learning objectives/experiments: investigation and comparison of the operating behaviour of various pump types: centrifugal pumps, piston pump (positive displacement pump), side-channel pump, 

  • recording a pump characteristic curve, recording a system characteristic curve, determining efficiency, investigation and comparison of parallel and series configuration of centrifugal pumps, comparison of pump types, screen mirroring: mirroring of the user interface on up to 10 end devices, menu navigation independent of the user interface shown on the touch screen, different user levels available on the end device: for observing 

  • the experiments or for operation and control.


  • experiments relating to key issues in pump engineering

  • comparison of various pump types: centrifugal pump, piston pump, side-channel pump

  • operation of centrifugal pumps in parallel or series configuration

  • free position for additional pump

  • three-phase AC motors for centrifugal pumps and additional motor with variable speed by frequency converter

  • plant control with PLC, operation via touch Screen

  • integrated router for operation and control via an end device and for screen mirroring: possible to mirror the user interface on up to 10 end devices,[8] data acquisition via PLC on internal USB memory, access to stored measured values via WLAN with integrated router/ LAN connection to customer's own network

  • software for data acquisition via LAN under Windows 8.1, 10. Technical data:PLC: Weintek cMT3092X, Centrifugal pump 2x, max. flow rate (Q): 300L/min,max. head (H): 16,9m, nominal speed: 2900min-1. Three-phase AC motor  2x, for centrifugal pump, power output: 1,1kW, Side-channel pump, self-priming, one-stage, Q: 83,3L/min, H: 50m, nominal speed: 1450min-1. Three-phase AC motor for side-channel pump: power output: 1,1kW, Piston pump, Q: 17L/min, H: 60m, nominal speed: 405min-1. Three-phase AC motor for piston pump, power output: 0,55kW. Three-phase AC motor, additional motor, reversible:power output: 0,75kW, speed range:750...3000min-1. Measuring ranges: flow rate: 0...500L/min, pressure (inlet): -1...1,5bar, pressure (outlet): 0...10bar, torque: 0...15Nm, speed: 0...3000min -1, pump electrical power consumption: 0...2kW,400V, 50Hz, 3 phases;

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