Order Code: 28560
Category: Fiber Optic Trainers
CoarseWavelength Division Multiplexing systemis designed to learn and understand the concept of wavelength multiplexing in a single fiber core. It covers practical aspect of implementing the design by study of optical component parameters and ve...
CoarseWavelength Division Multiplexing systemis designed to learn and understand the concept of wavelength multiplexing in a single fiber core. It covers practical aspect of implementing the design by study of optical component parameters and verifying their performance. De multiplexing of wavelengths is demonstratedalong with the recovery of the transmittedsignal.
Channel addition and deletion (dropping) is implemented usingBragggratingandthreeport optical circulator.
This training system is a bench top model capable of demonstrating CWDM with Add-Drop functionality. This system operates in standalone aswell as is PCcontrolmode.
Fiber Bragg Grating
Component characteristics
Optical communication system