Characteristic variables of hydraulic Turbomachines

Order Code: 24258098.37

Category: General Lab Equipment V

Characteristic variables of hydraulic turbomachines: Determination of output and efficiency of turbines and pumps; demonstration of a pumped storage plant: Features characteristic variables of water turbines and centrifugal...


  • Characteristic variables of hydraulic turbomachines: Determination of output and efficiency of turbines and pumps; demonstration of a pumped storage plant:

  • Features

  • characteristic variables of water turbines and centrifugal pumps, Pelton turbine, Francis turbine, propeller type turbine and Kaplan turbine extend the scope of experiments- pumped storage plant.

  • Learning objectives/experiments: centrifugal pump, measuring inlet and outlet pressures of the pump,determining delivery height, determining hydraulic output, determining mechanical output, recording characteristics at various speeds, determining the efficiency, with accessories Pelton turbine, Francis turbine, propeller type turbine or Kaplan turbine , measuring torque and speed, determining efficiency of the turbine, recording characteristics, demonstration of a pumped storage plant.

  • Specification:

  • determining characteristic variables of a  centrifugal pump

  • determining characteristic variables of water turbines together with the accessories

  • experiments on a pump in a closed water circuit with storage tank and flow control valve to adjust the back pressure

  • experiments on turbines: closed water circuit for supplying turbines

  • pipes and fittings made of PVC

  • 3-phase AC motor for pump with variable speed via frequency converter

  • non-contact speed measurement at the turbine shaft and force sensor at the brake for measuring the torque

  • digital displays for pressures, flow rate, speed and torque

  • software for data acquisition via USB under Windows 8.1, 10.

  • Technical data: Standard centrifugal pump, max. head: 23,9m, max.

  • flow rate: 31m3/h. Drive motor with variable speed-power output: 2,2kW, speed range: 0...3000min-1.

  • Storage tank: 250L, Measuring ranges - pressure: 2x 0...4bar abs.,flow rate: 0...40m3/h, torque: 0...20Nm, speed: 2x 0...4000min-1, 230V, 50Hz, 1 phase

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