Anthropometric sliding caliper

Order Code: 24258012.3

Category: General Lab Equipment V

Must be a sliding caliper featuring a double-sided measuring scale from 0- 230mm with two measuring rounded and sharp ends. The slot of the sliding section must have an arresting bolt featuring a highlighted index that provides the meas...


  • Must be a sliding caliper featuring a double-sided measuring scale from 0- 230mm with two measuring rounded and sharp ends.

  • The slot of the sliding section must have an arresting bolt featuring a highlighted index that provides the measured value.

  • Must be made of stainless steel with a matte finish.

  • Must be an anthropometric sliding caliper designed to determine selected dimensions of the head, nasal height, foot width, hand width and lower jaw height.

  • Must have two measuring ends (rounded ends used for live bodies and sharp ends used for skeletal material).

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