Absorption In Wetted Wall Column

Order Code: 14221

Category: Mass Transfer Lab

Introduction: The set up consists of a glass column. Alkaline liquid is fed at the top of the column along the walls to create a laminar liquid flow along the walls of a wetted wall column. Flow rates of Air and Co2, are measured separately, mixed in...


Introduction: The set up consists of a glass column. Alkaline liquid is fed at the top of the column along the walls to create a laminar liquid flow along the walls of a wetted wall column. Flow rates of Air and Co2, are measured separately, mixed in a mixing chamber and then passed through the column vertically upward and absorbed in liquid film around the wall.

Specifications: Column:Borosilicate Glass Dia. 55 mm, Length 750mm (approx.)Packing:Borosilicate Glass 2 Reaching Ring.Feed Circulation: By compressed air. Pressure Regulator:-0-2 kg/cm . Pressure Gauge:Bourdon type Feed Tank : Material Stainless Steel, Capacity 20 Ltrs. Flow measurement : Rota meters (One each for feed, air & CO2).Collecting Tank: Material Stainless Steel, Capacity 10 Ltrs.The whole set-up is ingeniously designed and schematically arranged on a power-coated rigid structure.

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