Order Code: 23246710.3
Category: General Lab Equipment II
This Apparatus Consists of : 1. A Cathode Ray Tube mounted on two plastic Rings. 2. Solenoid in the interior of which Cathode Ray Tube is placed. 3. A Power Supply which consists of :(a) a Regulated Power Supply to operate the Cathode Ray Tu...
This Apparatus Consists of :
1. A Cathode Ray Tube mounted on two plastic Rings.
2. Solenoid in the interior of which Cathode Ray Tube is placed.
3. A Power Supply which consists of :(a) a Regulated Power Supply to operate the Cathode Ray Tube
(b) To provide A.C. Voltage for deflecting plates.
4. Low Voltage D.C. Supply for Solenoid with digital current mete.