Order Code: 23246476.7
Category: General Lab Equipment II
Based on 8085 CPU operating at 6.144 MHz crystal, 8K Bytes of EPROM loaded with powerful monitor program, 8 K bytes of RAM available to the user, Total on board memory expansion up to 64 K bytes Memory mapping definable by the user, 16 bit programmab...
Based on 8085 CPU operating at 6.144 MHz crystal, 8K Bytes of EPROM loaded with powerful monitor program, 8 K bytes of RAM available to the user, Total on board memory expansion up to 64 K bytes Memory mapping definable by the user, 16 bit programmable TIMER/COUNTER using 8255 ,48 Programmable I/O lines provided through 8255, RS-232 C interface through SID/SOD Lines with Auto baud rate, Two modes of commands: Hex Key pad & Serial mode