Hydraulic Bench

Order Code: 24258098.9

Category: General Lab Equipment V

HYDRAULIC BENCH Features, - water supply for experimental units for fluid mechanics, - volumetric flow rate measurement for large and small flow rates, comprehensive range of accessories allows a complete course in the  fundam...



Features, - water supply for experimental units for fluid mechanics, - volumetric flow rate measurement for large and small flow rates, comprehensive range of accessories allows a complete course in the 
fundamentals of fluid mechanics, Learning objectives/ experiments, - together with the accessories, Introduction to the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. 

  • base module for supplying experimental units in fluid mechanics

  • closed water circuit with storage tank, submersible pump and measuring tank

  • measuring tank divided in two for volumetric flow rate measurements

  • measuring beaker with scale for very small volumetric flow rates

  • measurement of volumetric flow rates by using a stopwatch

  • work surface with integrated flume for experiments with weirs

  • work surface with inside edge for safe placement of the accessory and for collecting the dripping water

  • storage tank, measuring tank and work surface made of GRP. Technical data: Pump- power consumption: 250W,- max. flow rate: 150L/min, - max. head: 7,6m, Storage tank, capacity: 180L. Measuring tank,- at large volumetric flow rates: 60L- at small volumetric flow rates: 10L.FlumeLxWxH: 530x150x180mm, Measuring beaker with scale for very small volumetric flow rates- capacity: 2L. Stopwatch measuring range: 0...9h 59min 59sec , 230V, 50Hz, 1 phase

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