This segments consists of | Accessories for CBR Apparatus | CBR Mould-Mild Steel | Brass Perforated Plate | Field CBR Test Apparatus - with Proving Ring and Dial G | Unconfined Compression Tester | Mould Square | Triaxial Shear Test Apparatus | Triaxial Cell (variable dia.) | Bishop Pore Pressure Apapratus | Constant Pressure System | Load Truss (variable capacity) | Core Cutter | Particle Size Analysis | Sand Prouing Cylinder Apparatus | Pycnometer | Sieves Set | Core Drilling Machine | Polishing & Lapping Machine | and many more products as per the requirement of customer.

Order Code: MT222

Accessories for CBR Apparatus - CBR Mould-Mild Ste...

Order Code: MT227

Accessories for CBR Apparatus - Brass Perforated P...

Order Code: MT234

Accessories for CBR Apparatus - Field CBR Test App...

Order Code: MT235

Unconfined Compression Tester - (IS 4332) (PART-V)...

Order Code: MT236

Unconfined Compression Tester - (IS 4332) (PART-V)...

Order Code: MT251

Mould Square - For Direct Shear Test Apparatus

Order Code: MT253

Triaxial Shear Test Apparatus - for 38mm Dia Speci...

Order Code: MT256

Triaxial Cell - 38mm Dia For Triaxial Shear Appara...

Order Code: MT257

Triaxial Cell - 50mm Dia For Triaxial Shear Appara...