Physics Lab contains detailed study for topics like Magnetism & Electromagnetism | Hall Effect Experiments | Newton's Rings Apparatus | Wavelength Measurement of a Laser | Hysteresis Loop | (B-H) Curve | Energy Band-Gap | Refreactive Index of Solid and Liquid | Specific Heat Measurement | Planck's Constant | Zeeman Effect | Millikan's Oil Drop Experiment | Solar Cell Trainer | using various physics tools like | Spectrometer | He-Ne laser | Diffration Grating | Polarimeter | Prisms | Tunning Forks | Travelling Microscopes | Telescopes | Pendulums | Convex and Concave lenses | Plane Mirrors | Michelson Interferometers | Helmaholtz Galvanometer | Potentiometer | Plug Key & Jockey | Magnetometers | Slotted weights | Optical Bench | for getting proper understanding of all many physics experiements.

Order Code: 55502D

Solar Energy Trainer with Digital Meter

Order Code: 55502E

Solar Power Lab

Order Code: 55549

Ferroelectric PE Loop Tracer

Order Code: 55894

To Determine the Modules of Regidity for a Materia...

Order Code: 55895

To Study and Determine the Velocity of Sound in ai...

Order Code: 55896

To Study of Oscillation for a Mass and Determine t...

Order Code: 55897

To Study the Conservation of Momentum in two Dimen...

Order Code: 55898

Determination of Stefan's Constant "?" (Black Body...

Order Code: 55899

To Study the Variation of Magnetic Field along the...

Order Code: 55900

To Determine the Thermal Conductivity of a Non Met...

Order Code: 55901

To Determine the Refractive Index (?) of the Glass...

Order Code: 55902

To Determine the Poisson's Ratio for Rubber

Order Code: 55903

To Determine the Co-efficient of Viscosity of a Gi...

Order Code: 55904

To Measure a Given Low Resistance With the Help of...

Order Code: 55905

To Find the Focal Length of a Concave Lens Using C...

Order Code: 55906

To Find of Reractive Index of a Liquide by Using C...

Order Code: 55907

To Study the Dependence of the Angle of Deviation ...

Order Code: 55908

To Study the Nature and Size of the Image Formed b...

Order Code: 55909

To Obtain a Lens Combination with the Specified Fo...

Order Code: 55910

To Study the Effect of Load on Depresion of a Suit...

Order Code: 55911

Verification of the Force Ratio of End on Position...

Order Code: 55912

Measurement of Inductance Capacitance Using Impeda...

Order Code: 55913

Determination of Number of Lines per Centimeter on...

Order Code: 55914

Solar and Wind Hybrid Power Generation Training Sy...

Order Code: 55916

Grid-Tied Solar Power Generation Training System

Order Code: 55918

Solar Power Generation and Training System

Order Code: 55920

Solar Power Generation Training System

Order Code: 55921

Optics Bench

Order Code: 55921A

Divergence of Laser-

Order Code: 55921B

Inverse Square Law Demonstrator

Order Code: 55922

Hybrid Solar & Wind Energy Trainer

Order Code: 55923

Coulombs Law Demonstrator

Order Code: 55924

Experimentation with Bio Energy

Order Code: 55927

Hydro Turbine Energy Generator

Order Code: 55928

Solar Tracker

Order Code: 55929

Van De Graaff Generator

Order Code: 55930

Half shade Polarimeter

Order Code: 55931

Viscosity Measurement Setup

Order Code: 55932

Malus Law Apparatus

Order Code: 55933

Determine Plancks Constant using Photo Vacuum Tube

Order Code: 55935

Moment of Inertia Table Setup

Order Code: 55936

Torsional Pendulum Setup

Order Code: 55937

Fresnel Biprism Setup

Order Code: 55938

Nodal Slide Assembly Setup

Order Code: 55939

Carey Fosters Bridge Setup

Order Code: 55941

Calibration of Voltmeter & Ammeter by Potentiomete...

Order Code: 55942

Current Carrying Coil Setup

Order Code: 55943

De Sautys and Schearing Bridge Trainer

Order Code: 55944

Youngs Modulus Setup

Order Code: 55945

Resolving power of Telescope

Order Code: 55946

Thermal Expansion Trainer

Order Code: 55947

Lees Disc Setup

Order Code: 55948

Ray Optics Trainer

Order Code: 55949

Boyles Law Demonstrator

Order Code: 55950

Acceleration Measurement setup

Order Code: 55951


Order Code: 55952

Resonance Tube Setup

Order Code: 55953

Joules Constant Measurement Setup (by electrical m...

Order Code: 55954

Meldes Electrical Vibrator

Order Code: 55955

High Resistance Measurement by Leakage Method

Order Code: 55956

Seebeck and Peltier Effect

Order Code: 55957

Hall Effect Training System-

Order Code: 55958

Susceptibility of Paramagnetic Materials by Quinc...

Order Code: 55959

e-m Measurement Setup

Order Code: 55960

Resistivity and Band-Gap Measurement (Four Probe M...

Order Code: 55961

Ballistic Galvanometer setup

Order Code: 55962

Hysteresis Loop Tracer

Order Code: 55965

Measurement of Wavelength of Laser by Diffraction ...

Order Code: 55966

Dielectric Constant Measurement Setup

Order Code: 55967

Coupled Oscillator

Order Code: 55968

-Michelson Interferometer

Order Code: 55501

Magnetism Lab

Order Code: 55502

Solar Energy Trainer with Analog Meter

Order Code: 55502A

Solar Energy Trainer - High

Order Code: 55503

Fuel Cell Trainer

Order Code: 55504

Wind Energy Trainer

Order Code: 55506

Electrostatics Lab Trainer

Order Code: 55507

Introductory Nano Kit

Order Code: 55508

Nano TiO2 Solar Cell Kit

Order Code: 55509

Newton's Ring Apparatus

Order Code: 55510

LED Light Trainer

Order Code: 55520

Vibrating Sample Magnetometer

Order Code: 55521

E/M Experiment based on Thompson Method

Order Code: 55522

Frank Hertz Experiment

Order Code: 55523

X-Ray Diffraction Simulation Experiment

Order Code: 55524

Magnetic Field Measurement Apparatus

Order Code: 55525

Study of Dielectric Constant & Curie Temperature o...

Order Code: 55525A

Frequency Dependence of Dielectric Constant

Order Code: 55525B

Temperature Variation Option

Order Code: 55525C

Dielectric Constant of Liquids

Order Code: 55525D

Dielectric Constant of Solids & Liquids

Order Code: 55525E

Dielectric Measurement Setup

Order Code: 55526

Zeeman Effect Experiment

Order Code: 55527

Millikan's Oil Drop Experiment

Order Code: 55528

Planck's Constant by Photoelectric Effect

Order Code: 55529

Determination of Planck Constant by means of LED

Order Code: 55530

Ionisation Potential Set-up

Order Code: 55531

Resistivity of Semiconductors by Four Probe Method...

Order Code: 55531A

Resistivity of Semiconductors by Four Probe Method...

Order Code: 55531B

Four Probe set-up for measuring the resistivity of...

Order Code: 55531C

Four Probe measurement set-up for wide range of re...

Order Code: 55531D

Four Probe Set-up for Mapping the Resistivity of L...

Order Code: 55532

Measurement of Magnetoresistance of Semiconductors...

Order Code: 55532A

Measurement of Magnetoresistance in Different Samp...

Order Code: 55532B

Measurement of Magnetoresistance in Bismuth

Order Code: 55533

Two Probe Method for Resistivity Measurement of In...

Order Code: 55533A

Two Probe Method for Resistivity Measurement of In...

Order Code: 55533B

High Temperature Two Probe Set-up

Order Code: 55533C

High Temperature Two Probe Set-up with USB, Comput...

Order Code: 55534

Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer

Order Code: 55535

NMR Experiment

Order Code: 55536

Study of Thermoluminescence of F-centres in Alkali...

Order Code: 55537

Thermoluminescence Irradiation Unit

Order Code: 55538

Apparatus for the Measurement of Susceptibility of...

Order Code: 55539

Apparatus for the Measurement of Susceptibility of...

Order Code: 55539A

Apparatus for the Measurement of Susceptibility of...

Order Code: 55539B

Apparatus for the Measurement of Susceptibility of...

Order Code: 55539C

Apparatus for the Measurement of Susceptibility of...

Order Code: 55540

Magnetic Hysteresis Loop Tracer

Order Code: 55540A

Magnetic Hysteresis Loop Tracer With USB, Computer...

Order Code: 55541

Study of the energy band-gap and diffusion potenti...

Order Code: 55542

Diode Characteristics & Boltzman Constant

Order Code: 55548A

Hall Effect Experiment

Order Code: 55548B

Hall Effect Experiment with Compter Connection Int...

Order Code: 55548C

Hall Effect Experiment (Research Model)

Order Code: 55548D

Hall Effect in Bismuth

Order Code: 55548E

Hall Effect in Metals

Order Code: 55548F

Dependence of Hall Coefficient on Temperature

Order Code: 55600

Diode Laser 3-5 mW (635-670nm) + Power Supply

Order Code: 55601

Spectrometer Crown Prism 38x38x38

Order Code: 55602

Diffraction Grating 15000 Line Per Inch

Order Code: 55603

Mercury Vapor Lamp With Power Source

Order Code: 55604

Green Laser Diode 20-25mW + Power Supply

Order Code: 55605

He-Ne laser 1-1.5mW Randomly Polarised + Power Sup...

Order Code: 55606

Wimshurst Machine

Order Code: 55630

Standard Slinky Spring Golden Polish (3 x 4 Inch)

Order Code: 55631

Laboratory Set "Mechanics"

Order Code: 55632

Laboratory Set "Electricity And Magnetism"

Order Code: 55633

Laboratory Set "Optics And Quantum Physics"

Order Code: 55634

Laboratory Set "Molecular Physics And Thermodynami...

Order Code: 55635

Laboratory Set "Electromagnetic Induction"

Order Code: 55701

Study of photo cell (selenium) (C.R.)

Order Code: 55702

Power factor of A.C. circuits by jouleâ€Ã...

Order Code: 55703

Determination of resistance of a given wire using ...

Order Code: 55704

Determination of internal resistance of a primary ...

Order Code: 55705

Determination of the resistance of a Galvanometer...

Order Code: 55706

Combined set-up for the above three experiments (i...

Order Code: 55707

Determination of internal resistance of primary ce...

Order Code: 55708

Calibration of a Voltmeter with the help of a pote...

Order Code: 55709

Calibration of an ammeter with the help of a poten...

Order Code: 55710

Study of the variation in potential drop with len...

Order Code: 55711

Comparison Of Two Small Resistance By Using A Pote...

Order Code: 55712

Comparison of electro motive forces (EMF’s)...

Order Code: 55713

Determination of mechanical equivalent of head (j)...

Order Code: 55714

Determination of Planck’s constant by Sola...

Order Code: 55715

Study of resonance in LCR circuit and damping effe...

Order Code: 55716

Determination of resistance of a wire using ammete...

Order Code: 55717

Relationship between the resistance and length of ...

Order Code: 55718

Verification of laws of resistance in series and p...

Order Code: 55719

Verification of laws of resistance in series and p...

Order Code: 55720

Determination of internal resistance of a cell us...

Order Code: 55721

Study of rise and decay of current in an Inductive...

Order Code: 55722

Determination of resistance of given wire using me...

Order Code: 55723

Verification of laws of resistance in series and p...

Order Code: 55724

Determination of internal resistance of a cell usi...

Order Code: 55725

Determination of specific resistance of a material...

Order Code: 55726

Determination of the value of horizontal component...

Order Code: 55727

Determination of J (Mechanical Equivalent of Heat ...

Order Code: 55728

Determination of velocity of sound in Air by stand...

Order Code: 55729

Study of variation of power factor with frequency ...

Order Code: 55730

Determination of Stefan’s constant (C.R.)

Order Code: 55731

Study of Thermo E.M.F. using Digital D.C. Microvol...

Order Code: 55732

Study of electro-magnetic induction and verify far...

Order Code: 55733

Study of the random decay and to determine the de...

Order Code: 55734

Study of the viscous fluid (air) damping of a Comp...

Order Code: 55735

Study of electromagnetic damping of a Compound Pen...

Order Code: 55736

Determination of Value of Modulus of rigidity of ...

Order Code: 55737

Study of normal modes of a Coupled Pendulum system...

Order Code: 55738

Using Compound Pendulum, study the variation of th...

Order Code: 55739

Using Compound Pendulum, Study of the damping (C.R...

Order Code: 55740

Study of excitation of normal modes and frequency ...

Order Code: 55741

Study of frequency of energy transfer as a functio...

Order Code: 55742

Using Platinum resistance thermometer find the mel...

Order Code: 55743

Determination of Young's modulus by bending of bea...

Order Code: 55744

Determination of Young's modulus, modulus of Rigid...

Order Code: 55745

Determination of the Ballistic constant of a balli...

Order Code: 55746

Measurement of resistivity of semiconductor by fou...

Order Code: 55747

Susceptibility of paramagnetic solution by quinck...

Order Code: 55748

Hall effect experimental set-up (C.R.)

Order Code: 55749

Newton’s rings experimental set-up (C.R.)

Order Code: 55750

Refractive index of prism by spectrometer (C.R.)

Order Code: 55751

Refractive index of liquid by spectrometer (C.R.)

Order Code: 55752

Measurement of wavelength by diffraction grating m...

Order Code: 55753

Resolving power of prism by spectrometer (C.R.)

Order Code: 55754

Resolving power of telescope (C.R.)

Order Code: 55755

Refractive index of prism using (i-d) curve (C.R.)

Order Code: 55756

Determination of cauchy's constant by spectrometer...

Order Code: 55757

Absorption Coefficient of a Liquid with the help o...

Order Code: 55758

Determination of hysteresis loss of a transformer ...

Order Code: 55759

Variation of the angle of rotation of THE plane of...

Order Code: 55760

Measurement of wavelength of sodium light by diffr...

Order Code: 55761

Refractive index of prism using sodium light by s...

Order Code: 55762

Young's modulus Y of glass by carnu's method (C.R....

Order Code: 55763

Curie temperature of monel metal (C.R.)

Order Code: 55764

Absorption spectrum of iodine vapor (C.R.)

Order Code: 55765

Planck's constant by spectrometer & photo voltaic ...

Order Code: 55766

Polarisation of light by simple reflection (C.R.)

Order Code: 55767

Brewster's angle and refractive index of glass by ...

Order Code: 55768

Malus law (cosine square law) for plane polarised ...

Order Code: 55769

Elliptically Polarised Light by Means of a Photo V...

Order Code: 55770

Fresnel's formula for the reflection of light by ...

Order Code: 55771

Hartmann’s Formula using a prism and spectr...

Order Code: 55772

Dispersive power of a plane transmission diffracti...

Order Code: 55773

Refractive indices m0 and me of calcite for the or...

Order Code: 55774

Magnifying power of telescope by the slit method u...

Order Code: 55775

Hydrogen spectrum and rydberg’s constant (C...

Order Code: 55776

Meldes experiments by using electrically maintain...

Order Code: 55777

Thickness of a thin foil by wedge arrangement(C.R....

Order Code: 55778

Frequency of AC Supply and Capacitance of a Capaci...

Order Code: 55779

experiments with sonometer (find out frequency of ...

Order Code: 55780

Temperature co-efficient of resistance of conducto...

Order Code: 55781

Conductivity of a solution using P.O. box and movi...

Order Code: 55782

Resolving power of a diffraction grating by spectr...

Order Code: 55783

The wave length of sodium light and thickness of m...

Order Code: 55784

Dispersive power of the material of the prism by t...

Order Code: 55785

Comparison of capacities of two condensers using c...

Order Code: 55786

High resistance by leakage method using Micro Volt...

Order Code: 55787

Measurement of high resistance by substitution met...

Order Code: 55788

Comparison of capacities by the method of mixtures...

Order Code: 55789

Determination of the capacitance of a capacitor us...

Order Code: 55790

Characteristics of a solar cell (C.R.)

Order Code: 55791

Determination of the height of a tower with a sext...

Order Code: 55792

Resistance and current sensitivity of moving coil ...

Order Code: 55793

Moment of Inertia of a given Body using Inertia Ta...

Order Code: 55794

Determination of the value of 'g' with the help of...

Order Code: 55795

Verification of Newton's law of cooling (C.R)

Order Code: 55796

Determination of specific heat of a given liquid b...

Order Code: 55797

Finding the focal length of a convex lens by Displ...

Order Code: 55798

Finding the focal length of a convex Mirror using ...

Order Code: 55799

Determination of the refractive index u of a liqui...

Order Code: 55800

Determination of acceleration due to gravity using...

Order Code: 55801

Finding the focal length of a Concave lens by Comb...

Order Code: 55802

Determination of the refractive index (u) of a gla...

Order Code: 55803

Finding the unknown weight of a body by the method...

Order Code: 55804

Verification of Hook's law ( C.R )

Order Code: 55805

Determination of Bh & M using magnetometers

Order Code: 55806

Measurement of electron mobility in semiconductor ...

Order Code: 55807

Determination of Y by bending of a beam using Koen...

Order Code: 55808

Determination of Y by bending of a beam using Koen...

Order Code: 55809

Calibration of a single-phase energy meter by (i) ...

Order Code: 55810

Power and power factor in a single-phase ac circui...

Order Code: 55811

Measurement of the power in a single phase circuit...

Order Code: 55812

Polarisation of light by simple reflection using L...

Order Code: 55813

Brewster's angle and Refractive Index of glass us...

Order Code: 55814

Refractive Index of Liquid using Laser (C.R.)

Order Code: 55815

Malus law (cosine square law) for polarisation of ...

Order Code: 55816

Wave length of Laser Light by Diffraction Grating ...

Order Code: 55817

Planck’s constant by vacuum type photo cell...

Order Code: 55818

Dielectric constant of a specimen(liquid) at frequ...

Order Code: 55819

Study of P-N junction

Order Code: 55820

Hysterisis Loop Tracer (C.R.)

Order Code: 55821

Heat Capacity of Solids (C.R.)

Order Code: 55822

Focal Length of a combination of two lenses using ...

Order Code: 55823

Moment of inertia of a fly wheel (C.R.)

Order Code: 55824

Elliptically Polarised Light by means of a Babinet...

Order Code: 55825

Measurement of law resistance by industrial Klevin...

Order Code: 55826

Measurement of EMF& unknown resistance by crompton...

Order Code: 55828

Lattice Dynamics through Electrical Analogue Exper...

Order Code: 55829

Lummer Brodhum (LB) Photometer illuminating power ...

Order Code: 55830

Kater's reversible pendulum (Determination of valu...

Order Code: 55831

Focal Length of a convex lens Plotting graphs betw...

Order Code: 55832

Calibration of Wattmeter using crompton potentiome...

Order Code: 55833

Experiments on Single Phase transformer (Open,Shor...

Order Code: 55834

Voltage and Current relation in star and delta con...

Order Code: 55835

Phasor sum current in an A.C. circuit

Order Code: 55836

Cardinal points of a system of two thin convergent...

Order Code: 55837

Verification of Newton's formula

Order Code: 55838

Determination of Electronic charge and the work fu...

Order Code: 55839

Characteristics of a photo electric cell (vacuum t...

Order Code: 55840

Thickness of a thin wire using optical bench

Order Code: 55841

Wave Length of monochromatic light by diffraction ...

Order Code: 55842

Angle between crystal surfaces by spectrometer

Order Code: 55843

Refractive index of Prism using Stoke's formula

Order Code: 55844

Calibration of spectrometer by mercury vapor lamp

Order Code: 55845

Mutual inductance by Carey Foster's Method

Order Code: 55846

Mutual inductance by Direct Deflection Method

Order Code: 55847

Comparison of mutual inductances of two pair of co...

Order Code: 55848

Current and Voltage sensitivity of a moving coil b...

Order Code: 55849

Calibration of ballistic galvanometer with a stand...

Order Code: 55850

Refractive index of small angled prism by spectrom...

Order Code: 55851

Refractive index of Liquids Using Laser

Order Code: 55852

Determination of the Wave Length of Sodium Light U...

Order Code: 55853

Determination of the Separation Between the Plates...

Order Code: 55854

Temperature Coefficient of Resistance for Platinum...

Order Code: 55855

Reduction Factor of a Tangent Galvanometer

Order Code: 55856

Study of the Variation of Magnetic Field at the Ce...

Order Code: 55857

Study of the Variation of Magnetic Field at the Ce...

Order Code: 55858

Determination of E.C.E. of Copper Using a Copper V...

Order Code: 55859

Determination of E.C.E. of Copper Using a Copper V...

Order Code: 55860

Determination of E.C.E. of Copper and Reduction Fa...

Order Code: 55861

Laser Diffraction Experiments (C.R.)

Order Code: 55862

Study of different thermocouples for temperature m...

Order Code: 55863

Study of variation of magnetic field intensity wit...

Order Code: 55864

Optical absorption & polarised intensity measureme...

Order Code: 55865

Identification of charge, type by Hall Voltage Mea...

Order Code: 55866

Reduction Factor of a Tangent Galvanometer using c...

Order Code: 55867

Faraday Effect - Magneto Optic Effect

Order Code: 55868

Two Dimensional Potential Mapping

Order Code: 55869

Focal length of concave lens by telescope

Order Code: 55870

Determination of lines per centimeter in given gra...

Order Code: 55871

Measurement of Magneto Resistance of Semiconductor

Order Code: 55872

Study the relationship between frequency vs length...

Order Code: 55873

Find spring constant of helical spring from load e...

Order Code: 55874

Study of harmonic oscillation, co-efficient of dam...

Order Code: 55875

Study of oscillations on a bifilar suspension

Order Code: 55876

Study the torsion of wire

Order Code: 55877

Study of three phase to two phase connection (SCOT...

Order Code: 55878

Back to back test on single phase transformer

Order Code: 55879

Study the law of parallel axis for moment of inert...

Order Code: 55880

Study of bending of cantilever

Order Code: 55881

Determine the velocity of sound in air with the he...

Order Code: 55882

Determine the surface tension of water by capillar...

Order Code: 55883

Heating efficiency of electrical Kettle using vari...

Order Code: 55884

Planck's Constant by LED

Order Code: 55885

To determine temperature coefficient of resistance...

Order Code: 55886

Study of Divergence of a Laser Beam

Order Code: 55887

Study of Diffraction of Light at a Single Aperture

Order Code: 55888

Demonstrations of Interference & Diffraction Pheno...

Order Code: 55889

High Resistance Measurment by Leakage Method Balli...

Order Code: 55890

Planck's Constant Experiment (by LED's)

Order Code: 55891

To Study of The Air Damping Using A Compound Pend...

Order Code: 55892

To Study The Variation of Magnetic Field By A Curr...

Order Code: 55893

To Study Viscus (liquid) Damping of A Compound Pen...