The Hydraulics Laboratory is a state-of-the art facility used to conduct a variety of experiments pertaining to water. Among other things, this laboratory provides a means of testing the hydraulic properties of submerged bridges and the hydraulic properties of highway drainage structures and stream crossings. Our hydraulic facilities allow us to conduct mechanical, climate, physical and chemical tests which meet the most exacting functional requirements. This segment includes Hydraulic Lab Testing equipments which comprises of | Bernoulli's Theorem Apparatus | Metacentric Height Apparatus | Impact of Jet on Vanes | Reynold's Apparatus.| and many more other.

Order Code: 9.1

Bernoulli's Theorem Apparatus

Order Code: 9.2

Metacentric Height Apparatus

Order Code: 9.3

Impact of Jet on Vanes

Order Code: 9.4

Reynold's Apparatus