
What Is A Bump Integrator?

A bump integrator is a tool used in the rear of vehicles, it analyzes unevenness in roads, which one can quantify using digital counters embedded in an LCD screen.


Uses of Bump Integrator

Bump Integrator can measure the roughness of unpaved, wet, or rough roads. It can be easily attached to an onboard computer and wheels of a vehicle.


Manufacturers in India

Tesca Global, a well-known manufacturer of bump integrators in India, provides high-quality products. Tesca Global creates industrial and commercial products 


Working Principle

The bump integrator uses an air pressure sensor, the device measures the road bumps on highways. At the heart of a bump integrator, there is an integral equation.


Types of Bump Integrators

There are Three several types of Bump integrators. 1. Vehicle-Mounted Bump Integrator, 2. Fifth Wheel Bump Integrator, 3. Microprocessor-Based Bump Integrator


Tesca Global

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